Meal Tickets is a documentary that follows the lives of high school band mates trying to find success in the music industry. Film maker Mat de Koning met Mitch, Ben, Lee and Charlie at a Perth high school. The four mates went on to form the punk band The Screwtop Detonators, while Mat filmed their journey. Beginning with their tour of the US, Mat followed the band through its highs and lows, as they try to find success in a music industry that was changing due to technology and social media. Mat spent nearly ten years on the film and shot some 700 hours of footage, including some personal and intimate moments from the band members. This is a film about the bonds of male friendship and about the creative process and the internal tensions that can tear a band apart. Greg spoke to Mat about the making of the film. Meal Tickets is screening around the country with some Q&A sessions. It screens at Melbourne’s Cinema Nova on Feb 23.