Following the international success of The Guard writer/director John Michael McDonagh returns with Calvary. This blackly comic drama about a good priest tormented by his community in a small and picturesque Irish town reunites McDonagh with the brilliant Brendan Gleeson. Gleeson is Father James who is threatened with death during a startling confession. A man tells of how he was sexually abused by a priest from the age of seven, and has decided that the only way to rectify matters is to kill an innocent clergyman. He calmly gives Father James a week to get his matters in order. Father James knows the man who made the threat, but his identity remains a mystery to the audience. Like an Agatha Christie mystery Calvary takes us on a twisted and humorous journey through a motley crew of villager suspects. A fantastic supporting cast includes Chris O’Dowd (The Sapphires), Kelly Reilly (Sherlock Holmes) and Aidan Gillen (Game of Thrones), as a wide range of richly drawn characters.
To find out more about the film, Greg King spoke with director John Michael McDonagh for his Movies At Dusk program.
To hear the interview click on the link below: